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This is Where I Live

International Art Exchange - Mumbai

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Pehchan hosted artwork from the other cities and also sent it out to be exhibited and these are their paintings. 


Pehchan is a community-based NGO that helps homeless citizens in Mumbai build a life of dignity and fulfillment. The word ‘pehchan’ in Hindi translates as “identity”.


Their mission is to empower homeless citizens to build a life of dignity and fulfilment. They use advocacy and empowerment to ensure the rights of homeless citizens whilst building their self-reliance at every step.

Through empowerment, Pehchan help homeless citizens to know and access their rights provide creative employment opportunities build leadership and create a network of homeless citizens encourage self-reliance at every step.  


Fulfil basic rights of homeless citizens create awareness in wider society about the experience of homelessness call for the change of repressive and archaic laws encourage positive changes in policy.

© 2024 Cafe Art & MYWORLD Creative Projects (Registered Charity number 1197162)

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