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Art Gemini Prize offering free entries to artists!

The Art Gemini Prize, a UK-based independent open competition to promote international contemporary art for emerging artists around the world, has announced a partnership with Cafe Art and will be offering free entry to their 2016 art prize to all artists who participated in Cafe Art's 'This is Where I Live’ international exhibition. 'This is Where I Live’ is an exchange of artworks created by marginalised people in cities across the world. Started in 2013 between Cafe Art in London & fresh art in New York, it aims to include a new international city each year to generate awareness that homelessness & poverty is a worldwide problem, but seen through positive and inspiring urban landscape drawings. Melbourne (Launch Housing) joined in 2014, followed by Berlin (Gitschiner 15) in 2015. This exhibition is a celebration of talent & creativity, as well as to demonstrate a solidarity of our mission to highlight the visual art of marginalised people in the 4 global cities. Like Cafe Art, ArtGemini Prize is committed to raising public awareness and recognition of these artists’ work and talent, as well as promoting art as a tool for personal expression, creative growth and positive transformation. The artworks in this exhibition show the wide range of subjects when the idea of “This is Where I live” is thoughtfully considered. For further information, please contact either art@artgeminiprize.comor

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