Like a good coffee, the photos in the My London calendar have no filter, and as such we launched the #NoFilterLondon campaign a few weeks ago. We got a great new micro-website and spent a day in Brick Lane talking to people. No Filter London came from a day with Prophet, a branding agency that helped us develop a micro-campaign to sell the 2015 calendar. The day was called Prophet for Non-Profits, they gave us some amazing ideas about how we can grow Cafe Art, several of which we plan to use next year. New eyes on our message The creative people at Prophet saw our photography project with new eyes and we loved the way they described us! They came up with Value Propositions that we hope to use to describe to people who we are. The four Value Propositions they gave us were: 1. REAL: Experience the raw beauty of London in a way you won't get anywhere else. 2. RESPONSIBLE: A visible commitment to social and environmental responsisbility. 3. HUMAN: An authentic expression of the distinctive rhythm of life as captured at street level. 4. 100% LONDON: Photographed in London. Printed in London. Made in London. The Big Idea "Most Londoners and tourists go through their lives only seeing the city in a certain way. A whole other side of the city remains unseen. Maybe it’s parts of town they never visit. Or what they miss when they’re not around. Or the things they pass every day but just don’t bother to notice. It’s time to remove those filters. To see all those things that have been ignored, tidied up, or hidden away. It’s time to show and celebrate London in all of its raw beauty. London. No filter." This is just a small part of the analysis given to us by Prophet. We loved the fresh approach to what we are trying to do and we know that the messaging is important. If you would like to support what we are doing, please buy the 2015 My London calendar today.