Here are some of the amazing photos taken by participants in the MYSYDNEY photo contest this year - which will be in the 2023 MYSYDNEY calendar.
85 single-use cameras were handed out during August to people affected by homelessness at a variety of organisations including St Canice's Kitchen, Rough Edges and Sydney's 24/7 Street Kitchen at Martin Place.
Homeless in Focus helped contestants share their photos and stories. The top 13 photos were selected with the help of professional photographers and a People's Choice vote was run online and at St Canice's. These photos make up the calendar.
Homeless in Focus / MySydney is run by Jai Jaru who is also a trustee of the new MyWorld Creative Projects charity. Jai is a past participant of the MySydney photo competition. There is a beautiful documentary (directed by Annette Cohen) sharing her story and experiences with homelessness and with this project at
Michael Allwright founded Homeless in Focus, starting with the 2016 MySydney calendar in 2015. Homeless in Focus would like to thank Daniel Paul (Fujifilm Australia who provided the QuickSnap cameras and give generous financial support) and Mike Tsangaris (Ted's Cameras who host the exhibition and will be selling the 2023 MYSYDNEY calendar from December).
The judges were Gerrit Fokkema, Minto McPherson, Sally McInernery and Annette Cohen.
Evelyn Rosemary was the design support.
If you would like to buy the calendar and you live in Sydney you will be able to buy it at Ted's Cameras from early December. If you are interested in buying from other parts of Australia or from overseas please contact us here at Cafe Art or contact Jai Jaru in Australia directly through the Homeless in Focus website. They don't have a shop for quick orders - but this calendar is special and if requested and enquiries will be answered quickly!