Our heartfelt congratulations to Amadeus Xavier, a winning photographer from the Cafe Art MyLondon 2015 photo contest, whose photograph has been shortlisted in this year's prestigious international Art Gemini Prize! The selection committee included Pamela Kember, Sajid Rizvi, Estelle Lovatt, Isabel H Langtry and Thorsten Overgaard.
His entry entitled "Sleeping Rough" has been chosen out of an amazing 941 entries from 34 countries! It was taken on Tottenham Court Road in London, and was one of the 28 shots in his single-use Fujifilm camera during the 2015 contest.
The ArtGemini Prize is a celebration to promote international contemporary art for emerging and established artists around the world. It is an independent competition, open to all artists from anywhere in the world. The finalists’ exhibition will be on 22-30 September 2016 at Asia House Gallery, 63 New Cavendish Street, London W1G 7LP.
Many thanks to Jimmy Lek (Founder, Art Gemini Prize) & Mo Greig (London Region of the Royal Photographic Society) who patiently and diligently oversaw all the entries on behalf of the MyLondon photographers, and lastly, we are all so very proud of you, Amadeus. Well done!!!