Over the past tow years, mentors from the London Region of the Royal Photographic Society in conjunction with Cafe Art have been helping a group of photographers affected by homelessness. Running the group - online during lockdowns and in person at all other times - mentors have been helping participants to improve their photographic skills and confidence during a very difficult period. This Exhibition - from 5th to 29th January 2022 - showcases work from twelve of the photographers, with each photographer displaying a set of four photographs taken during the period. Participating photographers are: Al Benthovsky, Damian, Dee Alison, Goska Calik, Lui Saatchi, Maurice Woolger, McGinlay, Michelle, Saffron Saidi, Shenan Chandler, Simon Mart Dennis, Wayne Chin. The Exhibition will be on display in the Gallery at the Brixton Library from 5th January to 30th January 2022.

"Thank you for this exhibition - the beauty within the images has really made a difference to my day. Well done both photographers and enablers."
"Love all the series. Great photos."
"It's great to see a charity supporting people through art - humbling for all to see."
"Good to see images from different diverse perspectives."
"I like the cloudy shy in Brompton Cemetry. A great exhibition reminds me of why I miss living in London."
"Love this so much! The concept of delivery. The four piece thematic sets are GREAT. More please."
"Wonderful! I enjoyed it all, especially Flowers at Home. Thank you."
"Lovely photos - The room is way way OVER HEATED! Climate alert!"
"Wonderful personal expressions of inner feelings. Even in times of hardship the human spirit looks to wonders outwards!" (Gioisio)
"A very inspiring exhibition! Well done everyone" Wendy Thompson
"Inspirational to see how passion can be such a powerful driver for life. Great work!" Jordan
"Absolutely brillient! In any photographic sense! Bravo photographers!" GJ (N London)
"Great! [heart] Inspiring! Carry on with projects like this one."
"Wonderful photos. Congrats to everyone involved! xxx"
"Really incredible work! Loved seeing so many different perspectives." Rachel
"Really lovely work - SO important CRUCIAL to install a sense of purpose."
"I enjoyed viewing the range of pictures."